Mommy's Tiffin

Mommy’s Tiffin started as a lockdown project with my mom, and what began as a fun collaboration quickly turned into a passion. Even though I wasn’t into art at first, my business drive helped our tiffins become an overnight hit on Twitter! Orders came flooding in, and I jumped into the artistic side of things with my mom to keep up.

As we worked together, Mommy’s Tiffin became more than just a hobby—it was a passion that brought us even closer. Since my mom's passing, I felt a huge void but also a strong urge to keep our dream alive. Lately, I've been reconnecting with art, using it as a form of therapy, and pouring that creativity back into our business.

This new collection is all about honoring my mom’s legacy and showing her vision to the world. Every tiffin we create is a tribute to the love, dedication, and artistry that my mom and I shared, and it’s my hope that her essence continues to shine through in each piece.

Refresh your surroundings with a touch of green! 🌿

Add some green goodness to your life with snake plants! 🌿
Snake plants are low-key, low-maintenance, and bring a touch of zen to any room!